Head of Belarusian Helsinki Committee Aleh Hulak has taken part in widened session of working group of National Assembly of Belarus. Working group was focused on problematics and analyses of death penalty as punishment instrument in Belarus.
During session working group members have shared the information about the results of death penalty issues discussions with their electorate. Political, legal and social aspects of exceptional measure of punishment practice pro gblematics were discussed. Proposals on forthcoming directions of group work were announced.
Aleh Hulak has made a speech with proposals on preparations to Parliamentary listenings on death penalty question.
National Assembly of Belarus deputies have taken part in the meeting: Atroshchenko, Voronetskij, Goborov, Gujvik and Shevtsov from House of Representatives and Bysiuk and Tchaitchits from Council of the Republic. Rapporteur on Belarus of PACE Political Affairs Committee Andrea Rigoni has taken part in group activities. Representatives of interested state bodies, non-governmental organizations, science community, diplomatic korpus and international organizations were presented as well.
Sociological data on death penalty issues is available here.
Here one can find actual information about death penalty in Belarus: quantity of verdicts, reasons for the penalty and existing alternatives.