Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections

Выборы в условиях пандемии: предложения правозащитников


Участники независимой кампании по наблюдению за выборами «Правозащитники за свободные выборы» направили 29 апреля в Центризбирком, Палату Представителей и Верховный суд Республики Беларуси ряд предложений по проведению президентских выборов, которые должны состояться не позднее 30 августа этого года.


Выбары ва ўмовах пандэміі: прапановы праваабаронцаў


Удзельнікі незалежнай кампаніі па назіранні за выбарамі "Праваабаронцы за свабодныя выбары" накіравалі 29 красавіка ў Цэнтрвыбаркам, Палату прадстаўнікоў і Вярхоўны суд Рэспублікі Беларусі шэраг важных прапаноў па правядзенні прэзідэнцкіх выбараў, якія павінны адбыцца не пазней за 30 жніўня гэтага года.


Parliamentary elections 2019: Analytical report

Observation of the elections to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus is carried out by the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center “Viasna” in the framework of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”.


The elections to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the seventh convocation were announced by Presidential Decree No. 294 of August 5, 2019 and took place on November 17, 2019.


2019 parliamentary elections: Report on early voting

Observation of the elections to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus is carried out by the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center “Viasna” in the framework of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”.


- the official turnout for early voting is reported at 35.77%, which is the record high for the parliamentary elections since 2008;


Parliamentary elections 2019: Analytical weekly report on the results of observation: October 20-25

Наблюдение за выборами в Палату представителей Национального собрания Республики Беларусь осуществляется РПОО «Белорусский Хельсинкский Комитет» и ПЦ «Весна» в рамках кампании «Правозащитники за свободные выборы».


– зарегистрированные кандидаты ведут свои агитационные кампании, но этот процесс не всегда заметен в обществе; провластные претенденты на депутатский мандат выступают перед избирателями преимущественно на собраниях, организованных в помещениях, на предприятиях и учреждениях; для этого ими используется административный ресурс;


Report on the results of monitoring the registration of nomination groups

Observation is carried out by the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center "Viasna" in the framework of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections". The observation campaign involves 29 long-term observers.


- one of the ways to nominate candidates for local councils is the nomination by collecting signatures and the registration of nomination groups is the first step before the start of signature-collecting;



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