As the year draws to a close, it’s usually time to draw the conclusions. For 2023, we want to openly share the challenges and things that didn’t work out as we anticipated. This is an attempt to reflect on them and encourage our colleagues and partners to do the same, so that we can get better in the next year.
Let's engage in dialogue and seek solutions together!
Of course, we'll also highlight our successes :)
In our annual report:
- Human Rights Index: we were unprepared for a hole that deep, both in terms of meanings and operationally. This necessitated swift, on-the-spot adjustments.
- Overview of key trends in Belarusian public policy: while we developed a strong product, its domestic promotion has been less successful than anticipated. However, it worked well in the external circles.
- International human rights mechanisms: we noticed that non-human rights organisations show limited interest in utilising these mechanisms.
- Internships for law students: the demand is significant, but executing the internship requires more resources than we initially anticipated.