We have opened a beta version of the Database for international standards and recommendations of human rights treaty bodies relevant for Belarus.
This is a resource for those who are willing to integrate international human rights standards to their work — primarily for lawyers, project managers, and government officials.
The platform provides the following opportunities:
It saves time and helps you quickly search through international human rights standards for key requests..
It allows to quickly develop initial understanding in a relevant field of human rights, and manage information on the relevant agenda.
It helps strengthen a legal document (complaint, statement) with a reference to relevant international human rights standards (such information cannot be found on popular professional databases).
It helps project managers and government officials manage information on human rights agenda relevant for Belarus.
How does it all work?
Our experts have analyzed the whole array of human rights documents that relate to Belarus and manually marked each article in all documents with tags reflecting their contents.
The system includes three tag categories:
actors concerned (women, people with disabilities, elderly, children, etc.);
subjects (right to health, right to work, discrimination),
documents (SDGs, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights).
You can enter one or several tags in the “search by tags” field or select tags from the list on the main page — and the system will show you human rights documents relevant for your request. Find more details in the Guideline.
Tell us what you think about the platform
The project is very complex, so we cannot expect it to work perfectly right away. But we really seek to make it as good as it can be. That’s why any feedback would be very helpful: what didn’t work for you, were there requests by which you couldn’t find the necessary information, what you like and what can be improved. Please, send your suggestions in free form to our email [email protected] with a mark database in subject.
Made in cooperation with the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House.