The resolution provides analysis and conclusions of the situation in the OSCE region, and aims for of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, OSCE participating states, and representatives of the OSCE political bodies and institutions.
The authors of the document underline that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and parliaments of OSCE participating States have a key role in ensuring the implementation of OSCE commitments and strengthening the Helsinki principles. “The state of implementation of the Helsinki principles is very problematic, and we call on all actors involved to redouble their efforts to salvage the comprehensive security architecture of the OSCE region.
This resolution pays particular attention to the situation in Belarus, the host country of this session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, with a number of specific recommendations. Great improvements are possible in the implementation by Belarus of a large number of OSCE commitments and its cooperation with OSCE mechanisms and procedures, and we ask your special attention for these issues,” state the authors of the document, appealing to the addressees of the resolution.